Future of Finance

ACI FMA - Financial Markets Association

ACI Financial Markets Association is a leading global trade association representing the interests of the professional financial markets community. Established in 1955, ACI is focused on enhancing best market practices and supporting market participants to adhere to principles of ethical conduct. The ACI Model Code was acknowledged as the first industry-wide Code of Conduct for OTC/FX and related markets having been built on the original ACI Codes of Conduct from the 1970s. Updated subsequently to embrace the broader OTC community - and expanded from the dealing floor through to back-office operations - the ACI Model Code strongly influenced many national Codes of Conduct and was retired in 2017 with the publication of the FX Global Code, the composition of which ACI participated in, along with various other Code of Conduct initiatives.

Course Overview

No transaction can take place without the back-office. It provides a vital service to the front office by ensuring that all funds flow in a timely and correct manner and all necessary documentation is completed. This examination has been designed to provide a benchmark for competency in all aspects of the operations process.The ACI Operations Certificate supports treasury operations teams and related groups to efficiently cope with stronger competition in the financial markets and to smooth co-operation with supervisory bodies. Candidates will become up-to-date with the latest developments that affect the treasury operations. It also helps candidates to develop a front to end treasury view in terms of process promoting a better understanding between the trading community and operations staff.

For More Inquiries

Jihad Hassan

Senior Business Development Specialist


Jihad Hassan

Senior Business Development Specialist


Course Outcome

Increase career opportunities nationally and internationally with a global qualification.

Fulfilling the requirements established by financial services authorities for regulated activities.

Learn a global standard and skill set which is unique in treasury.

You will become part of a global community of thousands of ACI Certificate Holders.

Supporting your organization to successfully pass risk assessments conducted by regulators.

Course Outline

Overall financial market and front to end treasury view
  • Describe the roles of dealers, brokers and operations officers.
  • Understand the reasons for the segregation of duties and separate reporting lines.
  • Depict the workflow of a transaction, encompassing all aspects of the settlement process from deal capture through to management and exception reports.
  • Explain the importance of Straight Through Processing (STP) related to timely processing, risk, cost and accuracy, as well as the possible ways to improve STP.
  • Explain the quality management measures necessary to ensure a high quality customer-orientated service.
Deal capture, trade entry and confirmations
  • Understand the usefulness of confirmations.
  • Explain the importance of checking and confirmation matching processes.
  • Describe the use of automation in the confirmations procedure.
  • List the different types of SWIFT messages and their usage.
  • State the different steps between deal entry and trade confirmation.
  • Describe the different ways in which trade information can be generated.
  • Be aware of how the segregation of duties should be applied in trade generation and capture.
  • Know how the trade information received from the Front-Office should be validated.
Settlement, netting and clearing
  • Understand the use of correspondent banks, accounts.
  • Explain cut off times for payment with good value or short dates.
  • Define the different types of domestic and international payment systems.
  • Describe different types of settlements such as delivery versus payment, netting and Continuous Linked Settlement (CLS).
  • Expand upon the CLS system and parties involved.
  • Understand the use, functioning and advantages of bilateral and multilateral netting procedures.
Reconciliations and investigations
  • Explain the mechanism of a reconciliation system.
  • Detect mismatching figures (importance of timely identification).
  • Interpret mismatching figures.
  • Control incoming and outgoing flows.
  • Calculate and agree brokerage, including the checking of discounts.
  • Identify the different moves to resolve an outstanding item step by step.
  • Resolve and close outstanding items.
Treasury systems and data management
  • Explain the different ways of financial communication and transfer transactions.
  • Describe the different types of static data.
  • Define the standard settlement instructions management (usage, maintenance and advantages).
  • Outline standing data files and tables.
  • Understand the management of customer data within the different systems as well as the basic procedures to ensure the “know your customer”

Who Should Attend

Senior foreign exchange and money market dealersCorporate and bank treasurersSenior operations staff
